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​Particle Design Award


9th (2021) Particle Design Award


Achievement title




Naohiro Kim (Associate Professor, Department of Applied Science, Graduate School of Engineering, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology)

Development of robust pharmaceutical quality prediction method by statistical process modeling

エーザイ株式会社 連続生産チーム

小川真裕(製剤研究部 主幹研究員) :代表者 受賞者
市原駿(製剤研究部 主任研究員) :受賞者
坂井健慈(製剤研究部 主任研究員)
古宮健二(製剤研究部 主任研究員)
板東政史(製剤研究部 経口製剤グループ長)
佐藤晋也(製剤研究部 アナリティカルサイエンスグループ長)
寿命大輔(製剤研究部 メカニカルエンジニアグループ長)
石本隼人(製剤研究部 製剤包装グループ長)
鵜飼宏治(製剤研究部 部長)
大脇健太郎(衛材中国 蘇州工場 副工場長)
松本勇二(川島工場 経口剤製造部)
住元祐介(川島工場 経口剤製造部)
川瀬淳子(川島工場 経口剤製造部)
堂園健一(川島工場 経口剤製造部)
豊村真一(川島工場 経口剤製造部)
中島裕之(川島工場 経口剤製造部 抗がん剤グループ長)
柳楽慎介(川島工場 生産品質技術部 部長)
中山慎太郎(川島工場 川島品質保証部)
日野出嵩裕(川島工場 川島品質管理部 担当課長)


9th (2021) Particle Design Award


Achievement title




Naohiro Kim (Associate Professor, Department of Applied Science, Graduate School of Engineering, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology)

Development of robust pharmaceutical quality prediction method by statistical process modeling

大崎 修司 氏(大阪公立大学大学院 工学研究科 物質化学生命系専攻 化学工学分野/准教授)

今吉 優輔 氏(大阪公立大学 大学院 工学研究科 物質化学生命系専攻 化学工学分野 / 博士課程後期1年・


仲村 英也 氏(大阪公立大学 大学院 工学研究科 物質化学生命系専攻 化学工学分野 / 准教授)
綿野  哲 氏(大阪公立大学 大学院 工学研究科 物質化学生命系専攻 化学工学分野 / 教授・工学研究科長)


9th (2021) Particle Design Award


Achievement title

Naohiro Kim (Associate Professor, Department of Applied Science, Graduate School of Engineering, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology)

Development of robust pharmaceutical quality prediction method by statistical process modeling

9th (2021) Particle Design Award


Achievement title

Naohiro Kim (Associate Professor, Department of Applied Science, Graduate School of Engineering, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology)

Development of robust pharmaceutical quality prediction method by statistical process modeling

8th (2020) Particle Design Award



Achievement title

Mr. Tadashi Norioka (Astellas Pharma Inc. Formulation Research Laboratory Process Design Laboratory/Senior Researcher)

Yu Tohi (Manager, Process Design Laboratory, Formulation Research Laboratory, Astellas Pharma Inc.)

Manufacturing method optimization and multifaceted monitoring for product lifecycle management


Achievement title

Tomo Hoshino (Kyushu University Graduate School of Engineering/Associate Professor)

Development of synthetic polymer nanoparticles "plastic antibodies" that recognize and bind target molecules in animals and neutralize their functions

7th (2019) Particle Design Award



6th (2018) Particle Design Award


Achievement title

Hirokazu Sugiyama (Associate Professor, Department of Chemical System Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo)

Development of multi-purpose and practical process design methods for pharmaceutical manufacturing

4th (2016) Particle Design Award



3rd (2015) Particle Design Award



Kenji Nozawa (Sawai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.)

Shigeru Itai (Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Shizuoka, Doctor of Pharmacy)

Shuji Noguchi (Associate Professor, PhD (Pharmaceutical Science))

Mr. Yasunori Iwao (same as above, Lecturer Doctor of Pharmacy)

Achievement title

Low-cost manufacturing method of clarithromycin type II crystals using surfactants or water-soluble polymers and application to formulation technology



Achievement title

Nobuhiro Nishiyama (Tokyo Institute of Technology)

Kazunori Kataoka (Graduate School, University of Tokyo)

Development of polymeric micellar drug delivery system for targeted therapy of intractable cancer

5th (2017) Particle Design Award



Mr. Hitoshi Sasaki (Nagasaki University Hospital Department of Pharmacy/Professor, Department of Pharmacy)

Yusuke Kurosaki (Technical Staff, Department of Pharmacy, Nagasaki University Hospital)

Yukinobu Kodama (Assistant Professor, Department of Practical Pharmacy, School of Biomedical Sciences, Nagasaki University)

Achievement title

Design and application of self-assembled negatively charged microparticle preparations that can target nucleic acid drugs to cells and organs

2nd (2014) Particle Design Award



Wataru Momose (Astellas Pharma Inc.)

Mr. Kazuhiro Sako (Astellas Pharma Inc.)

Mr. Keisei Yamashita (Astellas Pharma Inc.)

Maya Fujiwara (Astellas Pharma Inc.)

Achievement title

Process Analytical Technology technology development and application to self-developed products - Development of new non-destructive PAT technology that contributes to QbD application


1st (2013) Particle Design Award



Mr. Koji Nakagawa (Daiichi Sankyo Co., Ltd.)

Mr. Hitoshi Kusumi (Daiichi Sankyo Co., Ltd.)

Mr. Takuya Miyano (Daiichi Sankyo Co., Ltd.)

Mr. Hideaki Tanabe (Daiichi Sankyo Co., Ltd.)

Masatomo Ito (Daiichi Sankyo Co., Ltd.)

Hidehiro Imai (Daiichi Sankyo Co., Ltd.)

Achievement title

Fundamental research and development of PAT and its application to Lixiana tablets

​Study Abroad Research Grant

2021 Study Abroad Research Grant


​Research Title


Haruto Tahara (Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kumamoto University)

"Development of supramolecular carriers for highly efficient and safe delivery of CRISPR-Cas9"

Department of Biomedical Engineering, National University of Singapore

2021 Study Abroad Research Grant


​Research Title


Haruto Tahara (Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kumamoto University)

"Development of supramolecular carriers for highly efficient and safe delivery of CRISPR-Cas9"

Department of Biomedical Engineering, National University of Singapore

2021 Study Abroad Research Grant


​Research Title


Haruto Tahara (Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kumamoto University)

"Development of supramolecular carriers for highly efficient and safe delivery of CRISPR-Cas9"

Department of Biomedical Engineering, National University of Singapore

2021 Study Abroad Research Grant


​Research Title


Haruto Tahara (Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kumamoto University)

"Development of supramolecular carriers for highly efficient and safe delivery of CRISPR-Cas9"

Department of Biomedical Engineering, National University of Singapore


​Research title


Tatsuya Fukuda (Pharmaceutical Laboratory, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Wakayama Medical University)

"Development of disc-shaped particles with neutrophil-binding properties and application to central DDS"

Harvard University John A. Paulson Department of Applied Sciences

2019 Study Abroad Research Grant


​Research title


Keita Kondo (Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Meijo University)

"Development of Dry Spherical Granulation Method Using Mechanically Induced Amorphization"

University of Copenhagen (Denmark)


​Research title


Kensaku Matsunami (Graduate School of Engineering, University of Tokyo)

"Economic Evaluation of Continuous Solid Formulation Manufacturing Considering Raw Material Properties"

Ghent University (Belgium)

2018 Study Abroad Research Grant


​Research title


Keisuke Ueda (Graduate School, Chiba University)

“Development of drug-rich solid dispersion formulation based on elucidation of drug crystallization inhibition mechanism in water and solid”

Purdue University (USA)

2017 Study Abroad Research Grant


​Research title


Yuko Okamoto (Sojo University)

“Inhalation formulation of serum albumin-encapsulated liposomes”

University of Sydney (Australia)

2016 Study Abroad Research Grant


​Research title


Mr. Tatsuaki Tagami (Nagoya City University)

"Development of novel powdering technology useful for preparation of functional inhalers"

University of Sydney (Australia)

2015 Study Abroad Research Grant


​Research title


Yasunori Iwao (University of Shizuoka)

Development of platelet-like nanoparticle preparations for the treatment of atherosclerosis

University of California (USA)

2014 Study Abroad Research Grant


​Research title


Tomomasa Okuda (Meijo University)

Development of innovative inhalable powder particles based on physical property control

University of Sydney (Australia)

2013 Study Abroad Research Grant


​Research title


Kohei Tahara (Gifu Pharmaceutical University)

Formulation development by pharmaceutical continuous production system

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA)

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